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Goals By Brian Tracy Pdf Download

Free download ebook Brian Tracy's THE ULTIMATE GOALS PROGRAM: How to Get Everything You Want Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible  - GuidebookBrian Tracy's THE ULTIMATE GOALS PROGRAM: How to Get Everything You Want Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible (pdf)Guidebook

Welcome to Brian Tracy's THE ULTIMATE GOALS PROGRAM: How to Get Everything You Want Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible. Along with the audio program, this guidebook has been created to aid you in setting and achieving your goals better and faster than you ever thought possible.

Having shared his ideas in more than 2,000 talks and seminars throughout the past 21 years with over two million students, Brian Tracy is considered by many to be the success guru. Brian's graduates have reaped a multitude of benefits from his vast experience and expertise, often transforming their lives from rags to riches. Many who were struggling financially, and personally, have become self-made millionaires by following Brian's advice and implementing the tools that he created for them.

An analogy that Brian Tracy uses in regards to goal setting is that "you cannot hit a target that you can't see." It is therefore imperative that you sit down and decide exactly what you really want, in every area of your life. To do so, ideally you should follow the step-by-step system that Brian has created for you in this groundbreaking program. If you want to gain its full benefits, we urge you to make full use of this guidebook along with the audio segment to assist you in your goal-setting initiatives.

To achieve the maximum benefits from this program and guidebook, listen to each audio session at least twice, ideally three times, and then work on the corresponding guidebook chapter. Listening to the audio session several times allows it to sink into your subconscious mind as you make more and more discoveries each time that you listen. Be sure to keep a paper and pen in hand as you are listening to the program, and be prepared to stop the program when you hear an idea or technique that particularly appeals to you. Think about that idea in connection with your situation, your work, your lifestyle, then prepare a plan to act upon it in the days ahead. You may wish to create an "Ultimate Goal Setting" journal in which you can record your ideas, thoughts, and insights.

Some of the guidebook contents are worded as questions that you should take some time to respond to, while others are action steps that Brian suggests you take. Whether a question or action step, you should jot down any thoughts or ideas that might arise regarding the subject matter in the space provided. Taking the necessary action steps that are outlined in this proven and highly effective program will give you a much broader vision of who you really are and what is possible in your life.

Whenever possible give yourself a deadline, and be committed to following through on that deadline. Without implementing any of the action steps that you have mapped out for yourself, this program simply becomes an exercise in listening. In order to gain the full benefits that this valuable program has to offer you, make the decision here and now to work through this program, and act upon your insights and strategies. By doing so, you can transform once-vague concepts and ideas into concrete real-life experiences. If you take the time to commit to this program now, you will undoubtedly reap extraordinary rewards for many, many years to come.

Table of Contents


Session 1: Unlocking Your True Potential
Session 2: Taking Charge of Your Life
Session 3: Creating Your Future and Clarifying Your Values
Session 4: Deciding Your TYue Goals and Your Major Definite Purpose
Session 5: Analyzing Your Beliefs and Getting Stalled
Session 6: Measuring Your Progress and Removing the Roadblocks
Session 7: Becoming an Expert and Getting with the Right People
Session 8: Making a Plan of Action and Managing Your Time Well
Session 9: Your Goals — Review Regularly and Visualize Continually
Session 10: Activating Your Superconscious Mind and Remaining Flexible
Session 11: Unlocking Your Creativity and Moving Forward Every Dav
Session 12: Persist Until You Succeed and Take Action Today

Language: English
Format: PDF
Pages: 33


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